Today, I woke up

Today, I woke up.

I woke up feeling defeated and tired. I have been looking for a new job for three and a half months after a restructure at my last place of employment. I have been sending resumes and networking. I have been searching online job posting sites and connected with more than one recruiting agency.

Last month, I reached the half-way mark in my severance payout. It was half gone. This week, another milestone in the journey. My Employment Insurance (EI) payments started. It’s a relief to have that extra money coming in, but, at the same time, I sure do not want to become dependent on it.

I was scrolling through Facebook this morning. Checking on the news of others and enjoying pictures of dogs doing silly things when I came across a video posted by a friend.

I found myself weeping at the video’s message. Realizing that, once again, I had fallen into a pattern. A pattern of mindlessness, self-doubt, and self-deprecation. I wake up every morning, search for jobs in my field, send off resumes, and wait to hear back. Then, I spend the afternoon watching TV (HBO, Netflix, AMC are my go-to friends) and browsing Facebook while berating myself for not doing more, for not being more. The next day, it repeats.

While looking for work there is not much else one can do. Or, is there? I still, of course, have to look for work; however, I can do it with more purpose. If I have to look for work, it will be at a place where I am welcomed and proud of the work being done. In the meantime, I can exercise while I watch TV in order to help boost my morale and confidence. I can get together with friends who support me for a meal, a coffee, or just a walk in a park or on a beach.

Just because my work life stops for now, it does not mean life stops. This is not the last chapter of my life. Today, I pick up the pen to continue the story.

Today, I woke up.

This is the video:

Video by Mateusz M

Welcome! Grab a bowl!

1 Popcorn colour 2Hi there! Welcome to Eclectic Popcorn!

Well, here I am! I have wanted to start a blog for years, but I kept putting it off. It was never the right time, or I could not decide on the “perfect” name, or the usual what if/who’ll read it/who cares?

I am currently between jobs and have a bit of down time, so, what better time to start? If not now, when?

One of the big reasons that I could not bring myself to blog was I could not decide upon a theme or topic on which to focus. I would sit at my computer and wonder what the heck will I even write about? You see, I have very eclectic tastes and myriad interests so I could not settle on one.

I love food, culture, and to travel. I care about the welfare of animals and the environment. I am interested in sociology, psychology, evolution, the stars, and archeology. I want to make the world a brighter place with inspiration and positivity. I am fascinated by relationships and human interactions in their many forms and all the emotions that go along with them. I am a TV- and movie-aholic. And to laugh. Oh, how I love to laugh! So, you can only imagine how stalled I was when I thought I had to pick just one!

Then, my wonderful brother and sister-in-law messaged me and encouraged me to write, just write. Huh! Novel notion.

My brother and I messaged back and forth over my trepidation about not even having a name and all the topics from which to choose. My lame attempt to procrastinate. My brother typed a response including the words “eclectic” and “potpourri”. He hit Send, autocorrect took over, and “Eclectic Popcorn” was born. With this kernel, I start my blogging journey.

Sometimes, all it takes is someone to believe in you to motivate you. And an interesting autocorrect.

So, I will be sharing whatever pops into my head or onto my news feed that I feel like sharing or boosting – occasionally flavoured with my own musings. It may be plain, salty, or buttery, but, hey, who doesn’t like popcorn? Okay, maybe not those annoying little kernel bits that get between your teeth. Bring some floss, just in case.

Mmm…can’t you just smell that buttery, nostril-caressing scent?

Come on in, grab a bowl, and have a seat!